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How To Install WhatsApp On Two Phones Using The Same Account

For work or personal reasons, it may be necessary to use WhatsApp on two different phones with the same account and phone number: here is a solution. WhatsApp is the most widely used multi-platform and voice-over-IP instant messaging application of the moment and is widespread internationally. In terms of notoriety and appreciation, it surpasses famous social media such as Facebook and Instagram. It allows you to exchange text messages, images, videos, and documents using the web connection of the devices. 

Furthermore, it allows you to make video calls anywhere in the world with significant economic savings. There are no time limits of use: all interactions deemed necessary to communicate with other users can be performed. The application is free and can be downloaded and installed on all devices with an Android or iOS operating system. The account is associated with a phone number, and every time you change your device, you must re-associate it to access all the contacts and active chats. 

Appreciated by individuals since it allows you to have constant conversations with friends and relatives, WhatsApp, in its Business version, is also used by freelancers, small and medium-sized businesses, and local businesses who want to take advantage of its functions to achieve marketing objectives and communicate with customers or potential customers. Many, for various reasons, may find themselves having to use the application on two different devices. For example, you may need to use your WhatsApp account on your personal and corporate smartphones. In this case, the application must always be connected to the same phone number.

WhatsApp: How To Connect Multiple Devices

It is impossible to use the application on two smartphones simultaneously: if you try to log in from a second phone, the account will automatically log off from the first. The platform, however, has added multi-device features that allow it to be used on up to four media simultaneously. To do this, you need to access one of the two platforms created by the company: WhatsApp Web or WhatsApp Desktop. WhatsApp Web is a browser-based application, while WhatsApp Desktop is an application you can download to your computer. They have been designed to be used mainly on personal computers, but the former can also be adapted to other types of digital media. 

When a device, WhatsApp Web, and WhatsApp Desktop are connected at the same time, messages and file exchange are synchronized. All this takes place in maximum security since all messages, files shared with other users, and calls and video calls made are protected by end-to-end encryption. This means that every device will be connected while maintaining a high level of privacy. It would help if you used a smartphone to register the WhatsApp account and connect new appliances. If a phone remains offline and inactive for more than fourteen days, all devices connected to that specific account will be disconnected.

WhatsApp: How To Connect Multiple Devices On Android

Connecting new devices to an account on an Android device is very simple. First, you need to download the official WhatsApp application and proceed with the registration using your phone number. To connect new appliances, open the application on your smartphone. On the screen that appears, click on the three dots at the top right. A drop-down menu will open from which you can create new groups, broadcast, access settings, and read important messages. Select “Connected Devices.” 

The screen will show all connected devices. To delete those no longer needed and no longer used, click on the name and select ‘DISCONNECT.’ To add a new one, tap on ‘Connect a device and unlock the phone with biometric authentication or pin. You will have access to the camera. From the new device you want to connect, go to the WhatsApp Web site, where a QR code will appear. Point the first phone towards the device’s screen to be connected and scan the QR code.

WhatsApp: How To Connect Multiple Devices On iPhone

The procedure to connect multiple devices on an iPhone is similar to that for devices with the Android operating system. After installing the application and performing the registration procedure by entering your phone number and setting your name and profile picture, open the home page. Access the WhatsApp settings and tap, among the various options, on ‘Connected devices. 

All connected devices will be displayed, and it will be possible to delete those no longer used. To add a new one, click on ‘Connect a device. Unlock the phone using Touch ID or Face ID or, if biometric authentication is not enabled, by entering the PIN. You are automatically logged into the camera. It would help if you pointed the phone towards the device’s screen to be connected. On the latter, the official website of WhatsApp Web or WhatsApp Desktop must be opened, and a QR code will be present. To complete the connection, it will be sufficient to scan it.

Also Read: Examples Of Effective WhatsApp Marketing Campaigns

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